Welcome to the year 5/6 class for the Autumn Term 2024
I am Mrs Jennison and I am the year 5 and 6 teacher.
Our classroom is always a busy place to be and it is where there are always high expectations, interesting challenges and lots of fun. Reading and books are a particular passion of mine and reading class stories is always the highlight of the day.
Our mornings consist mostly of Maths, English and Science lessons, with PE, History, Geography, Computing, Art, Design, French, PSHE and RE being taught after lunch. This year PE will be on a Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning and will be taught by Mrs Gibson and CUFC.
As a class we are a team – we support one another, show love, care and respect to everyone and we work together to get things done. I am really looking forward to a new year with year 5 and 6; we’ve got exciting topics and lots to learn! Check out our curriculum overview and letter below.
9th January 2025
Welcome back to the Spring Term! It looks like it is going to be a busy term with lots of different activities and lessons to tackle. We’ve come back to snow, which has been very exciting, and the children have enjoyed being out in the cold. Please find our curriculum letter and overview below to find out a bit more about what we are learning about this term.