School Policies

Please find some of our School Policies for your information.  A comprehensive list of all our policies is available in school, please ask at the school office if there are any others you would like to see.

We use our LA Admissions Policy.  For 2025/2026 our Published Admissions Number is 14.

The DFE regulations require that a school publishes information about rates of authorised and unauthorised absence during the reporting period from September 2023 and up to and including July 2024.
1. The total number of registered pupils of compulsory school age on roll for at least one session during this reporting period: 78
2. The percentage of half days missed through authorised absence during this reporting period: 2.6%
3. The percentage of half days missed through unauthorised absence during this reporting period: 2.3%

Attendance at Boltons is good; in 2023-2024 overall attendance was 95.2%
