Funded Provision

The school works closely with colleagues from the health service and also the Local Authority Specialist Advisory Service.

The school has used pupil premium funding to provide some additional support in and out of classes, additional resources and also to provide enrichment activities that pupils may not usually access.

In 2023-2024 we received £4365 total Pupil Premium funding; the school used this to provide additional support, both in and out of class and made parents aware of how we do this; much of the additional support was delivered by teaching staff. We keep records of how we spend the money and we ensure that we use it to the best effect. Because the number of children in receipt of this funding was very small we also ensure that we do not identify individuals.

The progress of pupils is tracked through data and regular pupil reviews; we measure the impact of interventions through these pupil reviews and by tracking individual pupil progress. Parents of pupils in receipt of pupil premium funding are involved fully. Outcomes for individual pupils are not published on the school website, but all staff are aware of outcomes and expectations for pupil premium pupils. In 2023 KS2 SATs 100% of disadvantaged pupils achieved the expected standard in maths and 67% achieved this in reading and writing. For 2024 SATs we had no pupil premium pupils.

One member of staff has received mental health first aid training and pupils in Year 5/6 have taken part in NHS run activities to explore issues surrounding well-being and good mental health.

In 2023-2024 we recieved £16,670 PE and sport funding. Funding was used to provide after school sports provision in cricket, football and netball; new resources for playtimes and after school club; staff development for staff working with SEND pupils in PE lessons; enhanced support for SEND pupils and teaching staff have also taken part in professional development activities.

Activity Amount Spent So Far
Active Play Resources £5448.13
Transport to festivals and sporting events £1252
Coaching and staff development £2506
Outdoor adventurous activities £1030
Sports Partnership Coaching £675

Staff Development                                   £370

We gained a Gold award for PE in 2023 and are awaiting the result for 2024.

This year we are planning to use PE funding to futher develop outdoor adventurous activities, by working with local Forest School staff at Watchtree. This year again we have already booked community coaching staff in school for the following activities: tag-rugby, football, tennis, multi-skills, athletics, cricket and gymnastics. A member of school staff always works alongside external coaches and in this way we are able to develop our own skills and strategies. We also plan to add to our outdoor playtime resources.

100% of pupils in Year 6 in the academic year 2023-2024 achieved the national curriculum swimming requirements.

Additional information about all sporting events can be found on our PE page.
