Special Educational Needs/Disability

At Boltons C of E School all staff work together in partnership with pupils and parents to ensure that inclusion of all pupils is achievable and meaningful. School staff work with pupils and parents to make sure that no child is treated less favourably because of any difference and children with SEND are given the same responsibilities in school as the rest of their peers. We work with staff from external agencies to modify and adapt the curriculum as necessary.

All of our policies and our School Offer are attached below to help you learn more about what we do to help you and your child.

To find out more about Cumberland’s Local Offer please go to: https://fid.cumberland.gov.uk/kb5/cumberland/directory/localoffer.page?localofferchannel=5-9

Please Note: If you wish to discuss your child’s needs further you can contact the Special Educational Needs and Disability Teams at SENDSubmission@cumberland.gov.uk

Our Cumbria SEND Information, Advice and Support Service (SEND IAS) can also give you advice about SEND.

Cumberland’s Continuous Improvement Plan

In 2019, Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) jointly inspected Cumbria’s local area SEND Provision and highlighted 9 areas that required improvement. Since then, Cumbria’s SEND Partnership, which includes Cumbria County Council, local NHS health partners and SEND Alliance Cumbria (SENDAC), Cumbria’s Parent Carer Forum, has implemented a Continuous Improvement Plan programme of work focused on improving the experiences and outcomes for children and young people with SEND and their families.

In December 2022, Ofsted and the CQC revisited Cumbria to determine whether sufficient progress had been made in improving the concerns identified in 2019. Ofsted and the CQC determined that 7 of the 9 areas of weakness in the 2019 inspection have made sufficient progress, with the report showing two areas that are still in need of improvement. These areas were:

  • A lack of trust and faith in the local area’s work from too many parents and carers.
  • Weaknesses in the approach to supporting the emotional health and wellbeing of children and young people with SEND, particularly those with an autism diagnosis who face challenges in relation to their social, emotional and mental health.
  • The SEND Partnership will now expand and strengthen its Continuous Improvement Plan, working with the Department for Education and NHS England, to address these concerns, and will continue to work with families and young people in the county to ensure progress is made.
