Year Reception Art

Year Reception have been learning about Italy and the work of Leonardo De Vinci – they produced some lovely interpretations of the Mona Lisa. (January 2020)

This week we have learnt how to use watercolour paints to paint still life pictures of fruit – based on the book Handa’s Surprise. (January 2020)

We had great fun designing and printing our African fabric designs. (January 2020)

We all enjoyed learning about cold and warm colours and mixing the primary colours to make other colours. (January 2020)

We learnt how to make cylinders and then used this knowledge to make castles. (December 2019)

November 2019: We used ‘funky foam’ and corks to print our fields of poppies.
November 2019: We made some sparkly divas to celebrate Diwali.
October 2019: We have made and painted our clay self-portraits too! (Oct 2109)
October 2019: We have used collage on our paper plate portraits (Oct 2019)
September 2019: This month we have been looking at the proportions of our faces and how we are all similar, but also different ( Sept 2109)
Mother’s Day cards.
Paint and pastel butterflies.
Mother’s Day cards.
Painted pepper collages.
Collage red peppers.
Fruit portraits.
Collage pumpkins.
Self portraits.
Printing poppies.